It’s that time of year — all I want is soup, soup, and more soup. The secret to a flavorful bowl of soup is to start with a really good stock.  So, I’m starting the year on a new foot, making my own stock.  Today, mushroom stock (or would this be a broth?).  Next … Continue Reading

Was in the mood for something a bit different. Nothing immediately came to mind, just something out of the ordinary; hmm… Had David Thompson’s Thai Food cookbook sitting on my shelf for quite some time. A well thought-out cookbook, with lots of substance, including a great explanation of Thai culture/history, cooking techniques, ingredients, and hundreds … Continue Reading

When I lived in Chicago, I had access to a great rooftop deck where we grilled on a regular basis; well, at least the few months out of the year that were actually warm enough to grill. Now that I’ve relocated to DC, the weather is consistently better, but unfortunately I no longer have access … Continue Reading

When you think of soup and salad, seaweed is probably not the first thing that springs to mind.  But, there’s a whole world of seaweed out there to be discovered.  In fact, there’s almost an entire aisle devoted to seaweed at my local Asian market.  Wakame, hijiki, arame, dulse, kombu, kelp, and nori are some … Continue Reading

This dish is the epitome of fast food (or at least what most other parts of the world call fast food). Took about 5 minutes of cooking time in a hot wok from start to finish (how’s that for fast?). Although, there is a huge difference between this dish and what we traditionally think of … Continue Reading