As a longstanding urban dweller, it’s always refreshing to escape to the countryside — so quiet, relaxing, peaceful. Last weekend, we traveled about two hours north of NYC for the 5th annual Hudson Ramp Festival.
Ramps, decidedly tasty (oniony, garlicky) in their own right, have become a symbol of the first sign of spring. They are the first forageable spring green delicacy. Of note, if you forage for ramps, be conservative insofar as what you take, as it takes seven years for a ramp to fully mature. Specifically, be certain to harvest just the leaves such that the bulb remains in the ground, which allows the ramp to come back the following year. Ramps for future generations to enjoy!
The Hudson Ramp Fest draws chefs from all over the Hudson Valley and beyond to create delicious, ramp-focused recipes. Here are a few shots from the event, along with some photos in and around town, including a visit to Hawthorne Valley Farm (Ghent, NY). Am a bit obsessed with the pigs.