I love big, bold flavors. Dishes with lots of spice. Am definitely not opposed to a touch of endorhpin-triggering heat (yeah, okay, I have a tendency to add hot sauce or chile oil to just about everything), though sometimes you just need to step back and appreciate something in its unadulterated state, as nature intended. This … Continue Reading

I like an al dente noodle. One with a lot of chew. When I was in Chicago a few weeks back, I had a delicious plate of chestnut noodles with mushrooms at Bad Hunter (Randolph Avenue in the West Loop). The chestnut noodles were pleasantly  chewy. As well, the dish just happened to be vegan. … Continue Reading

I love spring. It’s my favorite time of the year. Spring brings with it new beginnings and new growth. This includes many of my favorite vegetables: stinging nettle, asparagus, fiddlehead ferns, green garlic, chive blossoms, strawberries (ok, and one fruit), and, of course, ramps — signs that spring and all her glory are in full swing. Today, ramps and ramp … Continue Reading

So, how does one continually find inspiration in the kitchen; in other words, what the heck should I make for dinner tonight? That age-old question. Personally, there’s typically an ingredient that is the catalyst; an ingredient that piques my interest. Sometimes it’s an unusual ingredient (e.g., a new found love for lovage) that I’m excited … Continue Reading

Can’t go wrong with the ever-versatile frittata. A frittata is the perfect vehicle for just about any vegetable or other ingredient lurking in your fridge (leftover pasta frittata?). A frittata is good at any temperature — hot, warm, or room temperature. It works for breakfast, lunch, Sunday brunch (perhaps with a glass of your favorite rose), dinner, or … Continue Reading