The connection between food and memory is powerful. Most of my fondest food memories are from experiences later in life, including recent Mediterranean travels, as food was not a big deal in my family growing up (and I’ve been trying to make up for it ever since). The first time I had sea urchin was … Continue Reading

Pulpo a la Gallega (Octopus Cooked in the Galician Style) I love pulpo (octopus), be it grilled, boiled, baked, or braised in tomato sauce (I’m not aware of any other preparations [fried is not an option] at present). This particular preparation, known as Pulpo a la Gallega — which is seasoned with sea salt, olive … Continue Reading

When it comes to sardines, I find that most people are either lovers or haters.  Which camp do you fall into? Whenever I mention to people that I like to cook sardines, they usually give me a strange look.  However, these small, oily fish are packed full of nutrients (including omega-3 fatty acids) and flavor, can … Continue Reading

Picked up some puntarelle and another variety of chicory from the Green City farmers’ market yesterday (thanks Green Acres Farm).  Puntarelle is a long, spiky Italian chicory related to radicchio and endive.  It has a mild, bitter flavor and is great for salads.  If you can’t puntarelle or chicory, substitute with dandelion greens or any … Continue Reading