Wow, this recipe has been in the queue for quite some time (from way back in February 2015). Not sure why I never got around to posting it, as it’s one of my all-time favorite dishes. Somehow it slipped through the cracks? I’ve made this Thai coconut curry many times over the years, including several … Continue Reading

Lots of big salads this time of year. After working long days in the hot sun, I don’t have a lot of energy left at the end of the day (hottest July on record; call it global warming or not, no doubt the climate is getting hotter). Just barely enough energy to whip up some … Continue Reading

Who doesn’t love a one-pot dish? This fish curry (samaki wa nazi), I learned, is popular among the coastal dwellers of Tanzania and Zanzibar, the ‘Island of Spices.’ Am always on the hunt for new and interesting flavor combinations. Spices and herbs are essential. I like a balanced profile — a bit spicy, a bit … Continue Reading

Who really wants to cook when the temperature is hovering near 100 degrees Fahrenheit? I normally love to cook, though sometimes lack the energy (or desire) to do so when it’s sweltering hot outside. Nonetheless, cooking during a heat wave need not be limited to salads. Solution, meet onigirazu (aka sushi sandwich); not quite a … Continue Reading

Sightings of stinging nettle always make me think, ‘yes, spring has finally arrived.’ Historically, when we (meaning our ancestors) ate more seasonally (out of necessity), consumption of spring greens was a way to cleanse one’s body following a long winter diet of heavy foods and shelf-stable staples. Spring greens also provide a myriad of vitamins, … Continue Reading