Pondering what to make for dinner? Running low on time and/or motivation? A stir-fry is the perfect solution. It’s quick, versatile, and flavorful. Once the ingredients are chopped and your wok is hot, it’s just a manner of minutes until the finished dish is ready to be enjoyed. For today’s stir fry, I used thinly sliced … Continue Reading

First things first, Wild Greens and Sardines got a makeover. I’ve spent many an hour over the past few weeks redesigning the site. That’s a big feat for someone who is by no means tech savvy. Hope you like the new layout. Now, let’s get back to cooking….I’ve been busy in that department too. One of … Continue Reading

Whenever I go out for Thai food, I start with the green papaya salad. Love it. It’s raw. It’s fresh. It’s crunchy. It’s spicy. It’s salty. It’s sweet. It’s sour. It never disappoints. The green papaya salad looks deceptively simple, but there’s far more to it than meets the eye. While this salad is traditionally … Continue Reading

I’m content with salad as a meal provided that it delivers in the flavor department. This salad is sure to please your inner omnivore. Just enough meat to satisfy your carnivorous side, yet with a good assortment of vegetables (lettuce, red bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, shallot) and herbs (Thai basil and mint) to please the … Continue Reading

Thank goodness for this butcher block. Without it, we would have zero counter space (city apartments are just not made for cooking). Now I understand why people use their ovens for storage. A few years back while living in Chicago, we rented a van and drove to Effingham, Illinois, a remote, little town where Boos … Continue Reading